Borne” Artwork

This gallery contains 13 photos.

One thing that’s fascinating about Jeff VanderMeer’s 2017 novel Borne is the weird artwork the novel has inspired: from a wordcut of Mord above the ruined city to a sculpture of Borne to colorful illustrations of the dead astronaut and foxes. We wanted to compile a gallery of some of the pieces of art to highlight the fantastic work […]

The Artwork of Richard A. Kirk

This gallery contains 14 photos.

For the past month, we’ve been serializing the illustrated novel The Lost Machine by author and illustrator Richard A. Kirk. Having created art and illustrations for a variety of weird authors ranging from Thomas Ligotti to Caitlìn R. Kiernan, readers may already be familiar with Kirk’s work even though they may not recognize his name. Today we explore Kirk’s art with […]

J.K. Potter Mutates the Story

The art of J.K. Potter has graced the covers and interiors of many weird fiction authors, including Tim Powers, Lucius Shepard, Ramsey Campbell, and Clive Barker.  His vibrant colors, thoughtful juxtapositions, and sense of the surreal and bizarre are unique in the way they interact with a story’s subject matter.  By thoughtfully layering multiple elements into […]

Interview: Santiago Caruso: Exploring the weird art of Santiago Caruso

While you may not recognize his name, chances are if you’ve read weird fiction, you’ve seen his artwork. Argentine visual artist Santiago Caruso fuses a unique combination of everything from surrealism to the fantastique into his art. He’s created countless covers for weird fiction books for everything from Tartarus Press to the recently released Year’s Best Weird […]

Annihilation Gallery

This gallery contains 3 photos.

A selection of images from the publishers and others illustrating various aspects of the Southern Reach novels. You can find more information and images at the FSG page and at the very creepy Fourth Estate page for the book – where you can even sign up for an expedition. 

Posted in Art |

Tickled and Tossed: The Rabelaisian World of Nina Levy

With the onslaught of holiday madness, it is perhaps most appropriate to look at Nina Levy’s funny, disturbing and oh-so-true portraits of social identity. Levy’s sculptures are consistently playful and grotesque, the horror of everyday masks we wear to placate or nourish others laid bare. What I like is the absence of celebration or judgment in […]

Daphne Arthur’s Landscape of the Fantastic

Daphne Arthur’s Smoke Drawings takes us into an other-worldly landscape that is both recognizable and yet beautifully foreign. Many of the objects in her artwork border on appearing animated, thus creating a narrative of the fantastic. Take for instance Grasses of Green Lemon Drops, where the scene resides in between apocalyptic desolation and serene beauty. The tree in […]

The Visionary Worlds of Agostino Arrivabene

Agostino Arrivabene lives and works in a seventeenth century iron-gated house outside Milan. His home provides the secluded, protected environment in which he finds the solitude and space necessary to create his stunning paintings. Arrivabene says, “My house is like a nautilus shell wherein time has stopped. Inside you will encounter a rarefied atmosphere where … scarlet velvet […]