HC Canada Area X promotion.
Hiking in North Florida.
Winter in Area X…
Map of Area X by Jeremy Zerfoss
FSG cover for Annihilation.
Agave (Hungary) cover for Annihilation.
Fourth Estate (UK) cover for Annihilation.
Logo for the Southern Reach by FSG with highlights by Jeremy Zerfoss.
Riko Carrion’s photo of a North Florida lighthouse (inspiration for Annihilation)
Zerfoss facsimile of a Southern Reach no trespassing sign.
Jeremy Zerfoss’s tarot card for Area X, which comes into play in the second book.
Destino (Spain) cover for Annihilation
A selection of images from the publishers and others illustrating various aspects of the Southern Reach novels. You can find more information and images at the FSG page and at the very creepy Fourth Estate page for the book–where you can even sign up for an expedition.