Reading The Weird Webcomic – Episode #2, Axolotl

(First episode featured at Forbidden Planet.)

This is the second episode of a projected 12-episode series that will run exclusively at, usually on Monday. Also check out WFR’s interview with the webcomic’s creator, Leah Thomas. Click on each image for a larger version of the page. Not caught up? Read Episode #1 here. Like what you’ve read? Help support an emerging artist and send a donation to WFR specifically intended for Leah Thomas.






The writer who inspired this episode is Julio Cortázar (1914 — 1984), an Argentine writer who became an architect of what is known as the Latin American Literary Boom. A novelist, poet, playwright, and nonfiction writer, Cortázar also wrote many short stories, collected in Bestiario (1951), Final del juego (1956), and Las armas secretas (1959), among others. His entry point to the weird tale was the influence of surrealism. His fantastical stories almost always begin with a mundane reality into which unexplained strangeness intrudes. The fine translation of story “Axolotl” by Gio Clairval in The Weird is the first new English version since the 1950s and is considered the definitive translation by the author’s estate. Cortázar’s work as a translator, including the stories of Poe, also influenced his fiction.

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